Envision Change

As they say, Change is inevitable in life. It is one of the ingredients that helps to spur us as humans to grow from one level to another.

Without effecting change, without embracing change; we will tend to be stagnant and rooted in that same spot year in year out.

Change does not have to be big thing. In fact, small changes ultimately delivers great results over time. Change is not an overnight thing. Its a process. A process that has to start from within. It is a personal decision from within a person, not without.

The recipe for great results is to always start small.

You will be surprised that it is the very small things that takes you far.

Start by following these simple changes;

Change your mindset. Embrace the power of positivity.

Change your friends. Do away with those friends who are not adding any value to you. Remain with those who will spur and support your dreams.

Change how you handle issues. Be reasonable. Be logical. Do not make decisions with your emotions.

Change for God and yourself. Please God in all that you do so that he can bless you even more. Go to church. Develop your relationship with God. Purpose to always do good. Resist evil.

Change your plans. Rethink your plans. Have plans that will take your closer to your dreams and future goals.

Change your diet. Mind your health. Take care of your health. Eat healthy always.

Change your sleeping patterns. Sleep early so that you wake up feeling fresh. Sleeping early helps you wake up in good moods. Avoid sleeping late doing nothing useful.

Change your wardrobe. Mind your image and presentation. Invest in new and appropriate outfits. Presentation is key to your day to day interactions.

Change the way you handle money. Handle money badly and you will be poor. Invest wisely. Save wisely and with a plan.

Change how you do things. As they say, you cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results.

Pray to God to help you change according to his will.

Change requires 3 things.

Number 1: Recognizing the need to change.

Number 2: Doing the action that is required to make the change a reality.

Number 3: Maintaining the new course of action.

Change is empowering no matter how small it is as long as it is positive.


A Real Man

When you hear the phrase A REAL MAN what comes to your mind?

So here is my take on who really is a Real Man.

A real man is the one who is courageous enough to lead from the front.

A real man is the one who takes full responsibility for all the consequences of his choices or actions whether good or bad.

A real man is the one who never quits in the face of adversity.

A real man is the one who looks straight into his wife’s eyes and says i am fully committed to you and our children.

A real man is the one who seeks wise counsel at all times before making decisions.

A real man is the one who is not afraid to stand up for what he truly believes in.

A real man is the one who without fail tries to the best of his abilities to take care and provide for his family.

A real man is the one who is not afraid to showcase his strengths and weaknesses.

A real man is the one who is not afraid to say i am stuck i need some help.

A real man is the one who leads his family in accordance to the will and ways of the Lord.

A real man is one who stays humble, respectful and a source of good inspiration to his society.

So as a man strive to lead an exemplary life at all cost. Pray to God to grant you a more willing spirit to be a real man created in the image and likeness of God.

At the very heart of mature manhood is God’s primary task to any man. That is the primary responsibility when it comes to leadership, provision and protection.

A real man is the one who will cut any link with any lady that threatens to ruin the relationship he has with his woman – Anonymous


Love indeed is a strong feeling. A feeling that has been so hard to explain by many including me. Haha. But what is this Love? Are we completely mistaking it for this feeling we call infatuation. Well, many of us do infact mix this two things up. We say we are in love, when in the realest sense we are infatuated or vice versa.

So what is the difference between this two conflicting feelings.

Love develops slowly; Infatuation develops rapidly.

Love is based on compatibility; Infatuation relies more on physical appearance.

Love centres on one person; Infatuation may involve several people.

Love produces security; Infatuation produces insecurity.

Love recognises the realities that exist; Infatuation tends to ignores them completely.

Love nurtures positive behaviour, character and personality; Infatuation breeds destructive behaviour on the other hand.

Love recognises faults and corrects them; Infatuation ignores this faults.

Love controls physical contact; Infatuation tends to bring lack of self control and trys to exploit the weaknesses.

Love is selfless; Infatuation is selfish.

Love waits and survives the test of time; Infatuation is inpatient and cannot wait.

Love is fragile and will need constant nourishment for it to flourish. It takes two like minded individuals to decide to love each other and to commit to each other by all means. To love means one needs to be committed to the course. Love means sticking by each and support each others dreams and ambitions. 

God gave us this feeling of Love as his true gift and he wants us to enjoy it in our relationships and marriages.

So purpose in your heart today to love your partner to your fullest and in God’s ways. This way your relatiobship will prosper and be blessed by the hand of God.


At the right time


Well, with time i have come to know myself as not being a patient type of guy. Most of the time i always want things to happen in an instance. That anxiety of knowing what is on the other side of the wall always overwhelms me to that point i end up doing something that afterwards i feel am not comfy with. I has happened many times mind you and its something i just never get to learn.
But as a i sit down alone on my bed and reflect i see that the few times i have had to be dutifully patient things have always turned up nicely. This has gone on to teach me one thing. At the right time things will happen in your favour.

What is this right time?? I bet you are wondering now.

Well, this right time is God’s own perfect time.

He sets everything to happen at just the right time. At times when you least expect.


At the right time……………

God will provide you with that job you are so much desiring.

At the right time……………

God will avail for you the much needed funds you are seeking for whatever you are planning to undertake

At the right time……………

God will help you meet that one person that will greatly love you, treasure you and value you.

At the right time…………….

God will help you meet your needs even when you least expected it.

At the right time……………..

God will establish all your plans.

At the right time……………..

God will take you to places you never even dreamt you would reach.

At the right time……………..

God will allow you to meet people who will turn around your life for the better.

At the right time, all good things will happen to you.

You just need to keep your focus, have patience in the Lord and keep on trusting him.

You need not know the whole road how it goes all you need to know is that with God by your side you will go through that road and accomplish whatever he alone had set you out to accomplish.

Strive to live a patient life.
